The pyramid visualizes the concept of a hierarchical, strongly class-based society, where a few people rule the many, and the each lower class gets some reward to repress the class below them. The higher up the pyramid the more light/knowledge is shared. The top of the pyramid represents the group of people that tries to shape the population and culture into its preconceived imaged of a society. Clearly, Gwen is taking her role at the top of the hierarchy, proving that her elitist fame and fortune are clearly interrelated with freemasonry.
Jesus is often referred to as the "Lamb of God" in the Christian text. Here, Gwen is clearly demonstrating that she is “above the lambs,” which elevates her to divine status, atop her pyramid. In another context, it is clear that Gwen chose the name "Lamb" for her clothing line because traditionally, lambs are animals that are herded. They follow the shepherd, which is what she is trying to subconsciously provoke people to do... to follow her, as Jesus followed his father, except that she is leading her followers into darkness. A lamb is a symbol of sacrifice, and Gwen is enticing her followers to crowd around her, and sacrifice themselves for her agenda.
What furthers this symbolic interpretation is the fact that she is dressed as a nun, but is making a mockery of the holy person’s position in the church by analogizing herself to the Virgin Mary.
Gwen is putting herself in the position as the gatekeeper here, representing her belief that she, and other social elite like her, are the ones guarding others from entering heaven's gate. She is seated in front of the golden gate, making authoritative gestures at the camera. In later scenes, she can be seen cracking a whip at her dancers (“followers”), symbolizing how she wishes to punish those who seek to move beyond her without her permission.
In this scene, Stefani is cloaked in white, the color of purity, associated with all that is good. Unlike in previous scenes, this depicts her own struggle with feeling bound to the gates of heaven, but the desire to free herself of the chains and indulge in the lusts associated with the devil.
Gwen here, is symbolizing that she holds the key to "wind up" and control the masses. The media is a method of mind control that the social elite are using to convert us all into turn-key followers of their anti-humanistic causes. They are turning us into their puppets for their selfish, greedy, hegemonic agendas.
Immediately after "turning the key" to activate her puppet follower, the scene changes to a dark, black and red set, with black silhouettes that parallel demons, and red curtains that resemble fire. Also, traditionally the color red represents blood and strong political and spiritual feelings in the occult doctrine. Clearly here, Gwen is taking her followers into hell with her in order to further her corrupt political and spiritual intent.
Throughout the video, a series of "G" letters make up the video's theme. As you know, the freemason compass symbol is emblazoned with a "G" in the middle, taking its inspiration from ancient Egyptian mythology. Stefani is clearly promoting her association with the Masonic group by her repetitive (and indoctrinating) overuse of the G symbol.
In the next two scenes, Ms. Stefani is found stitching yellow cloth, creating uniforms for her followers. Consistent with occult mysticism, yellow is THE color that represents subconscious fear. She has now draped her followers in clothing that coerces them into following her through subconscious propaganda.
Finally, at the end, this scene depicts how her followers have finally succumbed to being lead to the dark side. They are in the underworld, spinning their own red fire circles, and now, they are dressed exactly like little Gwen Stefani clones. They have the same hair and sunglasses as she wears. This is a representation that once the innocent masses give in and become more like the images presented to them by those at the top of the hierarchical pyramid, the population will move away from heaven, and will take on an identity that will make them pawns to the demonic agenda of the occult.
The video ends with Stefani giving the Masonic/occult hand symbol for admiration and astonishment. The cryptic way she holds one hand in the air and the other at her waist indicates that now that she has coerced her followers into bowing to her ways, she approves of them and salutes them for their transition. This is analogous to Nazi Germany's "heil Hitler" solute and also those used by the Ku Klux Klan.